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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Idol Thoughts: Top 12 Ladies...Better than the Guys, but Simon Didn't Get It??

Well, I'll agree with Simon in one aspect of not getting it...that is making the first week of Idol a 60s theme. The girls were better than the guys and there are certainly some performances that stood out last night. (Mainly the last two.) Carly and Syesha. After that the performances were okay, but not really great. I will give it to the Idol Medical staff for taking care of the walking wounded last night, but there are a few that won't be coming back after suffering an Idol death tonight. Two girls and two guys headed home.
I think Amanda may be in trouble after last nights performance, but there are some that were worse than her. We'll find out tonight......

the podcast is updated from the Top 12 Women's performances. I also talk about Obermeyer's potential exit and why and the guys headed home...check it out..

We'll be back Monday with a preview of the Top 20..

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Idol Thoughts: Top 12 Guys....60s Night Colored More Gray than Psychedelic...

The evening started out great, then kind of fell on deaf ears and ended well enough to have weeded out the great, from the potential great, to the terrible. Simon's comments were dead on..for half the night I'm not sure what exactly Randy and Paula were hearing. Some frontrunners emerged last night, including David Hernandez, David Cook, Robbie Carrico and Michael Johns. Jason Castro had an Idol first, using his guitar and his vocals were solid. David Archuletta, 17, had a nice evening as well. He's the one that can't be adopted. His vocal range is impressive, but he was pitchy last night, at least I felt he was. Those were some of the positives.
On the other side of the coin, there was a cruise ship singer, a few 'color' disasters and Danny Noriega who had no business wearing tight jeans on stage and sounding like a Sanjaya wannabe.
Overall last night was a night to shake off the nerves and have a good time, some did that very well, like in Hollywood. Others were just boring. For the boring ones, you may be headed home..You know who you are. I'm looking forward to the ladies tonight. There is something about songs from the 60s and an attitude that a guy singing just can't do.


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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Idol Thoughts: Top 12 Guys....

Tonight it's the Hip and Swingin' 60's Theme night for the men (Tomorrow for the women.)
We'll let you know our 'Thoughts' through the podcast and the blog tonight and tomorrow night. So stop back shortly after both shows for the read on who did well, and...who didn't.
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